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As a follower of Christ I enjoy capturing the truths that God is teaching me in His word on canvas.  I often need visual reminders to remind me to have Faith in His truths and in who He is even when I can not see it.  I also love painting word pictures to start conversations about Christ and what He means to me. 

Resting in the Vine


I was commissioned a few years ago to paint what God had been teaching a family regarding rest.  I was asked to come up with a word picture that incorporated Jeremiah 17, John 15 and Galatians 5.  No easy task!  


The Lord had been challenging this family to rest in Him even when things in life were difficult and that if they did the Lord promised He would allow them to stay strong and have leaves that did not wither and fruit that would be produced in season.


I chose to paint the olive tree at harvest time.  The ground around is hot and dry but if we are planted and resting in our true vine - as Jesus commands us to in John 15 then we will be a tree planted by a stream of water.  Whose leaves will not wither and will always produce fruit as Jeremiah 17 talks about.  The nine olives represent the fruit of the Spirit that will be evident in our life as we "rest" in our Savior and Lord.

Resting in the Vine


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